Grow a Houseplant Collection: Propagation for All
If you are looking to create (or expand) an indoor jungle without spending a fortune, propagation is the perfect skill to master!...
HDT Team
5 days ago4 min read

Stumbling into Sustainability-Do You Really Need to Print That?
Double checking your printer settings to prevent common office waste. If you had a chance to read my previous blog about “Stumbling into...
Liz Bristow
Feb 194 min read

Ideas for Rewriting the Rural Narrative
What is your definition of rural? Whatever it is, Benjamin Winchester, a sociologist who focuses on rural living, wants it to be a...
Jenny Hill
Jan 276 min read

Climate Change Needs Nature-Based Solutions as Carbon Focus Fails
Climate change is a hoax, or at least the notion that reducing carbon and other heat-trapping gasses in our atmosphere can stabilize our...
Jim Chamberlin
Jan 24 min read

Stumbling into Sustainability-Reusable Water Bottles
I grew up in the Central Valley of California during the start of the recycling revolution trend, but that doesn’t mean I understood it....
Liz Bristow
Jan 13 min read

Tips for Preserving Produce: When Freezing is a Good Thing
If you’ve heard an undercurrent of whining every time you step outdoors, that may have been my muttering carried on a brisk north wind to...
Jenny Hill
Dec 6, 20243 min read